Privacy Policy

In connection with the adoption of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the “GDPR Regulation“) and the adaptation Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on the processing of personal data (the “Act“), the Maple Bear Czechia Holdings a.s., ID No.: 19076118, with its registered office at Na Folimance 2155/15, Vinohrady, 120 00 Prague 2, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague under the File No. B 27964 (the “MBC“) informs the visitors of this website (, as well as its clients and business partners about the following principles of protection of their personal data, which it collects as a personal data controller in connection with the use of this website. 

Please read this Privacy Policy to understand how the MBC may process your personal data submitted through this website. 

What personal data is collected and for what purpose? 

With respect to all persons visiting this website, the MBC, as the operator of this website, has automatic access to the public IP addresses from which the visitors browse the content of the website and to the data contained in the logs (so-called http queries). The collected data is used exclusively for purposes of administering the website and for statistical purposes. The basis for the processing of this data is the implementation of the MBC’s legitimate interests in the management and operation of the website and the possibility to carry out analyses and prepare statistics. The statistics do not contain any elements that would identify visitors to the website. 

The MBC processes your personal data (name and surname, email address, telephone number) if you voluntarily provide it by sending an email or participating in a survey or subscribing to commercial communications. In this case, the MBC processes your personal data in order to pursue the MBC’s legitimate interests in dealing with enquiries sent to the MBC or for the purposes of carrying out research. There is no automated decision-making or profiling based on the personal data processed. 

The MBC also processes your personal data and the personal data of your children (name and surname, date of birth) if you complete an online application form. Your personal data is processed in order to evaluate your pupil’s admission to the school and make an offer of enrolment. In such case, the basis for processing will be consent or the necessity to take steps at the request of the data subject prior entering into a contract, in particular completing the application form.  

If it is necessary for the MBC to defend itself against possible claims, all or some of the personal data may be further processed on the basis of the MBC’s legitimate interest, which is the controller’s defence against third parties claims but for no longer than the period of limitation for any claims. 


Any processing of the personal data provided for marketing purposes (sending commercial communications) will be carried out by the MBC exclusively on the basis of the prior consent of the person providing the personal data. In the case of personal data relating to persons under the age of 18, the MBC will seek the consent of the parent/legal guardian. The processing of personal data for marketing purposes may be refused at any time by sending an email to or to the email address specified in the relevant commercial communication. 

You have the right to withdraw the consent at any time, the withdrawal of the consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. 

Does the MBC disclose personal data? 

As the personal data controller, the MBC may disclose personal data for the purposes set out above to the following categories of recipients involved in the processing of personal data, namely: 

– IT providers; 

– entities operating MBC’s IT systems and/or providing IT services, including hosting; 

– public authorities and/or courts. 

If you have submitted your child’s online application for admission, your and your child’s personal data may be disclosed to server hosting providers, such as those employees of MBC and its external collaborators, who need access to personal data in particular to assess the application. 

For how long will the MBC process your personal data? 

The data collected will be processed no longer than is necessary to administer and operate of this website. 

In the case of personal data collected via the contact form on this website, this data will be processed for the time necessary to answer the enquiry. 

If you submit an application through this website and your application is accepted, the MBC will retain all personal data collected for the duration of the enrolment and afterwards for a standard period of 6 years. 

In the case of enquiries and declined applications, the personal data collected will be processed for the duration of application process and assessment and for a maximum of 3 years from the end of the calendar year in which the processing and assessment of applications was completed (for the purposes of defense against potential claims). 

In the case of personal data collected via the form concerning the subscription to commercial communications, this data will be processed for the period of time for which you wish to receive commercial communications (Newsletter). 

Transfer of personal data to third countries 

The MBC does not transfer any of your personal data to third countries unless you complete and submit the online form. 

If you submit the online form, the MBC may transfer your personal data to IT providers, including educational applications, online tools, server hosting providers. 

Personal data is transferred outside the EU under EU Model Clauses. In such cases, the MBC will take all necessary measures to ensure that personal data is processed securely by subjects in those countries in accordance with the law. If you wish to receive a copy of the EU Model Clauses, please contact our Data Protection Officer at 

How the privacy of minors is protected 

The MBC does not knowingly collect personal information or any other identifying information about persons under the age of 18. If the MBC becomes aware that it has collected personal information from a person under the age of 18, that personal information will be deleted unless the consent of that person’s parent or legal guardian is obtained to process that person’s personal information. 


The MBC uses cookies to facilitate the use of this website by visitors and to generate anonymous statistics. 

A cookie is a small text file stored in your browser that allows the website to “remember” your preferences, such as calendar and bookmark settings on the website, on each subsequent visit or to maintain your status “logged in” when you visit protected areas. The use of a cookie is in no way linked to any personal information when you visit this website. Web browsers have settings that allow you to reject cookies, selectively accept cookies or delete previously accepted cookies. The MBC notifies that refusing or deleting cookies from this website may result in some features not being available to you. 

By clicking on the “Accept All” button that appears on the banner, you can activate all cookies and consent to the MBC to collect and store your personal information. 

Log files  

Like most standard website servers, the MBC uses statistical packages for websites such as Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, in order to analyze trends in how these websites are visited and used. Information monitored includes Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, visitor geographic location (country, city), browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time, time spent on pages, and keywords used to find these websites through search engines. This information is anonymous and cannot be directly linked to individual users. The MBC may use it to identify the high-use or low-use areas of the website, to determine problem areas of the website, to analyze broad demographic trends of visitors and to make decisions about how to make it easier for people to find and navigate the website. 

Google Analytics  

This website uses Google Analytics to help understand how visitors interact with the website. Your web browser automatically sends certain information to Google. This is, for example, the web address of the visited page and your IP address. Google may also set cookies on your browser, or read cookies that are already there. For more information about how Google uses data when you use our website, you may visit

Links (links) 

This website may contain links to other websites. Please note that the MBC is not responsible for the privacy of these other sites. Therefore, the MBC encourage users of its websites to be aware when leaving those websites and to read the privacy statements of each website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by these websites.  


All measures are taken on this website to protect the personal data of all users. Whenever users submit personal information (such as contact information) through online forms or during registration, this information is encrypted after submission using the highest level of SSL (Secured Sockets Layer) available. Servers that store personally identifiable information are in a secure environment. 

Your rights  

In accordance with the GDPR Regulation you have the following rights:  

(a) the right to access personal data, i.e. the right to obtain information from the controller (the MBC) on whether it processes your personal data and, if so, what data it is and how it is processed;  

(b) the right to rectification of data, i.e. that the controller (the MBC) corrects inaccurate personal data concerning you at your request without undue delay, as well as completes incomplete data at any time;  

(c) the right to object to the processing, i.e. that the controller (the MBC) does not process your personal data in the event that it is for direct marketing purposes and/or the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest or has an authorized the interest of the controller, and at the same time the controller does not prove an overriding interest in the processing over the rights and freedoms of the data subject;  

(d) the right to delete personal data, which corresponds to the obligation of the controller (the MBC) to delete the personal data it processes at your request, if certain conditions are met within the meaning of the GDPR Regulation, namely: 

– personal data are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were collected;  

– the data subject withdraws consent and there is no other legal reason (title) for processing at the same time;  

– the data subject objects to the processing and there is no overriding reason for the processing;  

– if it concerns data about a child collected in connection with information society services;  

– personal data is processed illegally;  

– erasure is imposed by law; 

(e) the right to limit the processing of personal data by the controller (the MBC) in certain cases. You may object at any time to processing that is based on the legitimate interests of the controller – the MBC, a third party, or is necessary to fulfill a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority;  

(f) the right to data portability, which allows you to obtain personal data provided by the controller (the MBC), in a common and machine-readable format. You may subsequently transfer this data to another controller or, if technically possible, request that the controllers transfer it to each other; 

(g) the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes at any time. In other cases, this right does not apply, as personal data are processed for the purpose of fulfilling legitimate interests and/or contractual obligations, not on the basis of consent to processing;  

(h) the right to file a complaint with the MBC or contact the Office for the Protection of Personal Data (address: Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7, in case of dissatisfaction with the processing of your personal data carried out by the controller (the MBC). 

Contact information 

All of the above rights can be exercised by email to or in writing to the registered office of the MBC, namely Maple Bear Czechia Holdings a.s., Na Folimance 2155/15, Vinohrady, 120 00 Prague 2. More information on the rights in question is available on the website of the Office for Personal Data Protection (